Naegleria Fowleri

Naegleria Fowleri is a parasite which eat a human brain. They are small ameoba and only look on microscope not seen with naked eyes. They are living in fresh mild/ normal water ,soil, and magma (underground hot water).They are mostly present in hot summer months ( June, July, august, September). ~ Scientific Classification of Naegleria Fowleri as a ameoba: Kingdom: Eukaryota Phylum: Percoloza Class:Heterolobosea Order: Schizophrenia Family:Vahlkampfidae Genus: Naegleria Species: Naegleria Fowleri Binomial nomenclature: Naegleria Folweri ~How they enter our human body? •Naegleria Fowleri enter with nose in human body or eat human brain. •Mostly cause of Naegleria Fowleri eating brain with swimming in such as rivers , lakes , ponds, dirty swimming pools, Beach,tap water. •when the water in which swim are affect with parasite, they enter over the nose to brain of human being and damage the tissues o...